Get paid faster with our Invoice Finance factoring & discounting solutions

Borrow against outstanding invoices with Invoice Finance

One of the main reasons for the failure of businesses in the UK is not lack of profitability but lack of cash flow.

When you provide goods and services to other companies, especially the larger ones, you will often be required to provide lengthy credit terms in order to remain competitive. It’s not unheard of for large companies to demand up to 120 days credit before paying invoices. This places enormous pressure on cash flow and can threaten the long term viability of your business model.

You can have positive cash flow at all times and relief from the pressure of chasing debtors for payment leaving you free to concentrate on more productive tasks and to plan for future growth.

Invoice Finance from First Oak Capital provides payment of your invoices quickly, ensuring vital cash flow at all times, allowing your business to prosper and run more smoothly.


Have Invoice Finance Questions?

Please give our friendly team a call on 0800 066 3677  if you’d like more information on how we can help your business increase it’s cashflow.

We’re open Monday – Friday, 9.00-5pm. Or if you’re ready to get started, click the button below.

Matt Whiteman

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If you want my team at First Oak Capital to help you arrange finance, just book a call.


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